
Each piece of art, statue, old building/bridge, or music is a part of someone’s life.

Life is fragile.

Time is the most important thing that we have.

Go see art.




History that I witnessed…

2010 Austerity Strike (Amsterdam)

Liverpool v. Sunderland 2-2 at Anfield, Premier League (Liverpool)

2010 French Pension strikes (Liverpool)

Stranger In A Familiar Land

Perhaps the most well-sourced reverse culture shock page.

Main chorus:

How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm
After they’ve seen Paree’
How ya gonna keep ’em away from Broadway
Jazzin around and paintin’ the town
How ya gonna keep ’em away from harm, that’s a mystery

– How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm (After They’ve Seen Paree)? – 1918

It has been a few years since I’ve been to Europe, but I can still feel, smell, hear, and see it. The reminiscence happens with little things, not the big ones. I should’ve stayed over there and returned when I had no money (guesstimate: half year to full year).

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa


I took this picture without the flash. The picture is behind a dark cover because of all the pictures. If you do take a picture of the Mona Lisa, please take it without the flash. We need to preserve art for future generations.